Shut Up Already: You have nothing useful to say.

Here is a good example of television pundits having too much time and not enough to say. Yesterday’s recall election saw Republican Gov. Scott Walker again beat Democratic Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett in a rematch of their 2010 race.

This is what happened.

Now everybody is talking about what it all means. I’ve heard no end of discussions on what happened, and what it means for Wisconsin,  what it means for the working class, what it means for unions, what it means for the United States, and what it means concerning the upcoming presidential election.

I’ve also heard lots of speculation on how, and why, things went down they way they did. Well, let me give you a hint. I think this had a lot to do with it.

However, I’ve heard few people mention this poll, even on CBS News. Why?  Because there wouldn’t be all that much to talk about if we took  to heart the idea many people just didn’t think a recall is appropriate over policy disagreements.

So, speculate on, professional talking people. After all, we’ve got a lot of air space to fill. Who could better fill it than all of the airheads and blowhards on both sides of the political divide. What better place to do it than on television; all day, every day.