Do You Want to See Twisted?

This weekend, I learned Twisted Treeline is nothing like The Fields of Justice.

You would think it would be. There doesn’t seem to be much of a difference. Instead of three lanes for five players, you’ve got two lanes for three players. There are a couple of little altar things. No big deal. Except that it is a huge deal when you find out these things change the rules of engagement entirely.

There is no “lane phase”. There is no time to “farm.” Half of the time, several members of at least one, if not both, teams are dead before the minions even spawn. It is just one big-ass team fight; a constant gank-fest, with people running from lane to lane constantly.

And there are no wards.


Pretty much how I felt playing Twisted Treeline for the first time. Dem Shadow Ilse be a nightmare if you’re unprepared.

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